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  • VP7 - Advertising and Publishing is an online network of advertisers and publishers. We provide advertising solutions for advertisers of all sizes. Sign up for a free account to create ads for promoting your online business. VP7 - Advertising and Publishing allows you to advertise using text and banner advertisements. The ads submitted to our system are served worldwide through our large publisher network.
  • VP7 - Advertising and Publishing publisher account is meant for any website/blog owner who wish to generate revenue by providing space for publishing ads from our system in their websites. Publishers can earn from every genuine clicks on our advertisements sent from their websites.VP7 - Advertising and Publishing allows you the choice of restricting ads of specific sites thereby giving the freedom of filtering out competitor ads.
  • We have zero tolerance against any sort of fraud attempts. We are very much concerned about the quality of clicks sent to our advertisers. We have robust fraud detection mechanisms to detect and reverse any fraud attempts/clicks. Please read the advertiser terms and publisher terms on the registration page before signing up.